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Weekdays from 1:00pm to 8:30pm at HOOP LAND starting Jan 13, 2023
Weekends from 10:00am to 5:00pm at HOOP LAND starting Jan 14, 2023


SHOOTING • 30 MIN SESSION $39 per appointment $99 Purchase required to enroll

SHOOTING • MEMBERSHIP is required to reserve this service.

Improve your shooting mechanics, accuracy and build confidence. Get up 300+ shots in 30 minutes.

SEMI PRIVATE TRAINING • 30 MIN SESSION $39 per appointment From $39 per visit with VERTIMAX & PLYO TRAINING pass Purchase required to enroll

SHOOTING • MEMBERSHIP required to reserve this service.

Semi-Private Customized Training session.

VERTIMAX • PLYO TRAINING $39 per appointment From $39 per visit with VERTIMAX & PLYO TRAINING pass Purchase required to enroll

SHOOTING • MEMBERSHIP required to reserve this service.

Our VERTIMAX • PLYO TRAINING is specifically designed to maximize athletic potential by focusing on three key components: speed, explosive power, and vertical jump.


APT Intro (all grades) $30 per class No purchase required to enroll

This class provides a foundational understanding of strength training, flexibility, and injury prevention. Perfect for athletes and beginners alike, it introduces key movements and principles to improve overall fitness and performance.

High School Strength and Conditioning $30 per class Purchase required to enroll

High School Strength and Conditioning is designed to help athletes develop strength, speed, agility, and endurance while reducing the risk of injury. Through structured training, athletes will enhance their overall performance and build a strong foundation for long-term athletic success.

Middle School Strength and Conditioning $30 per class No purchase required to enroll

A structured program designed to help young athletes develop strength, speed, and coordination. These sessions focus on proper technique, injury prevention, and foundational athletic movements to enhance performance and overall fitness.

5TH/6TH GRADE • SKILLS & DRILLS From $25 per visit with ACADEMY • SKILLS & DRILLS • CLASS PASS pass Purchase required to enroll


7TH/8TH GRADE • SKILLS & DRILLS From $25 per visit with ACADEMY • SKILLS & DRILLS • CLASS PASS pass Purchase required to enroll


GIRLS 3rd GRADE • ACADEMY SPRING/ SUMMER • TRYOUT $10 per class No purchase required to enroll

BOYS 3rd GRADE • ACADEMY SPRING/ SUMMER • TRYOUT $10 per class No purchase required to enroll

GIRLS 4th GRADE • ACADEMY SPRING/ SUMMER • TRYOUT $10 per class No purchase required to enroll

BOYS 4th GRADE • ACADEMY SPRING/ SUMMER • TRYOUT $10 per class No purchase required to enroll

GIRLS 5th GRADE • ACADEMY SPRING/ SUMMER • TRYOUT $10 per class No purchase required to enroll

BOYS 5th GRADE • ACADEMY SPRING/ SUMMER • TRYOUT $10 per class No purchase required to enroll

GIRLS 6th GRADE • ACADEMY SPRING/ SUMMER • TRYOUT $10 per class No purchase required to enroll

BOYS 6th GRADE • ACADEMY SPRING/ SUMMER • TRYOUT $10 per class No purchase required to enroll

GIRLS 7th GRADE • ACADEMY SPRING/ SUMMER • TRYOUT $10 per class No purchase required to enroll

BOYS 7th GRADE • ACADEMY SPRING/ SUMMER • TRYOUT $10 per class No purchase required to enroll

GIRLS 8th GRADE • ACADEMY SPRING/ SUMMER • TRYOUT $10 per class No purchase required to enroll

BOYS 8th GRADE • ACADEMY SPRING/ SUMMER • TRYOUT $10 per class No purchase required to enroll

HS GIRLS 15U • ACADEMY SPRING/SUMMER • TRYOUT $10 per class No purchase required to enroll

HS BOYS 15U • ACADEMY SPRING/SUMMER • TRYOUT $10 per class No purchase required to enroll

HS GIRLS 16U • ACADEMY SPRING/SUMMER • TRYOUTS $10 per class No purchase required to enroll

HS BOYS 16U • ACADEMY SPRING/SUMMER • TRYOUTS $10 per class No purchase required to enroll

HS GIRLS 17U • ACADEMY SPRING/SUMMER • TRYOUTS $10 per class No purchase required to enroll

HS BOYS 17U • ACADEMY SPRING/SUMMER • TRYOUTS $10 per class No purchase required to enroll

15u,16u,17u GIRLS• OREGON TRU HOOPLAND ADIDAS • /// 3SSB TRYOUTS $10 per class No purchase required to enroll

17U GIRLS • TRU HOOPLAND ADIDAS • /// 3SSB TRYOUTS $10 per class No purchase required to enroll

16U GIRLS • TRU HOOPLAND ADIDAS • /// 3SSB TRYOUTS $10 per class No purchase required to enroll

15U GIRLS • TRU HOOPLAND ADIDAS • /// 3SSB TRYOUTS $10 per class No purchase required to enroll

17U BOYS • /// 3STRIPES GOLD TRYOUTS • TRU HOOPLAND ADIDAS $10 per class No purchase required to enroll

16U BOYS • /// 3STRIPES GOLD TRYOUTS • TRU HOOPLAND ADIDAS $10 per class No purchase required to enroll

15U BOYS • /// 3STRIPES GOLD TRYOUTS • TRU HOOPLAND ADIDAS $10 per class No purchase required to enroll

BALL HANDLING • (Middle School) $25 per class Purchase required to enroll


RONNY WEIHMANN • LEVEL UP CLINIC • HIGH SCHOOL • BOYS & GIRLS $80 per class Purchase required to enroll

Join us for an exclusive basketball LEVEL UP CLINIC featuring Ronny Weihmann a seasoned professional basketball player

RONNY WEIHMANN • LEVEL UP CLINIC • 4TH-7TH GRADE • BOYS & GIRLS $60 per class Purchase required to enroll

Join us for an exclusive basketball LEVEL UP CLINIC featuring Ronny Weihmann a seasoned professional basketball player